
Besaury Ludovic

Maitre de conférence
Adresse : UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims cedex 2


2008-2012 : Doctorat Université De Rouen

2013-2015 : Postdoctorat Clemson University, USA

2015-2016 : Postdoctorat Université Strasbourg

2016 :2017 : Postdoctorat Université Clermont-Auvergne


2003-2008 : Licence puis Master Microbiologie Université de Pau et Pays de l’Adour

Domaines de compétences

Microbiologie, Ecologie Microbienne, Bio-informatique

Recherches actuelles

Fractionnement de la lignocellulose par processus microbiens

Publications principales

1) Bodilis, J., Nsigue-Meilo, S., Besaury, L., & Quillet, L. (2012). Variable copy number, intra-genomic heterogeneities and lateral transfers of the 16S rRNA gene in Pseudomonas. PloS one, 7(4), 35-647.

2) Besaury, L., Ouddane, B., Pavissich, J. P., Dubrulle-Brunaud, C., González, B., & Quillet, L. (2012). Impact of copper on the abundance and diversity of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes in two chilean marine sediments. Marine pollution bulletin, 64(10), 2135-2145.

3) Besaury, L., Marty, F., Buquet, S., Mesnage, V., Muyzer, G., & Quillet, L. (2013). Culture-dependent and independent studies of microbial diversity in highly coppercontaminated Chilean marine sediments. Microbial ecology,65(2), 311-324.

4) Besaury, L., Bodilis, J., Delgas, F., Andrade, S., De la Iglesia, R., Ouddane, B., & Quillet, L. (2013). Abundance and diversity of copper resistance genes cusA and copA in microbial communities in relation to the impact of copper on Chilean marine sediments. Marine pollution bulletin, 67(1), 16-25.

5) Mchergui, C., Besaury, L., Langlois, E., Aubert, M., Akpa-Vinceslas, M., Buatois, B., Quillet,L. & Bureau, F. (2014). A comparison of permanent and fluctuating flooding on microbial properties in an ex-situ estuarine riparian system. Applied Soil Ecology, 78, 1-10.

6) Besaury, L., Ghiglione, J. F., & Quillet, L. (2014). Abundance, activity, and diversity of archaeal and bacterial communities in both uncontaminated and highly coppercontaminated marine sediments. Marine biotechnology, 16(2), 230-242.

7) Merlin, C., Besaury, L., Niepceron, M., Mchergui, C., Riah, W., Bureau, F., Gattin, I. & Bodilis, J. (2014). Real‐time PCR for quantification in soil of glycoside hydrolase family 6 cellulase genes. Letters in applied microbiology, 59(3), 284-291.

8) Besaury, L., Pawlak, B., & Quillet, L. (2016). Expression of copper-resistance genes in microbial communities under copper stress and oxic/anoxic conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(5):4013-23.

9) Amato, P., Joly, M., Besaury, L., Oudart, A., Taib, N., Moné, A. & Debroas, D. (2017). Active microorganisms thrive among extremely diverse communities in cloud water. PloS one, 12(8), e0182869.