
Domenech Trystan

Adresse : UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims, France



Depuis 2022 - Chaire Professeur Junior (CPJ), UMR FARE, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne–INRAE

2021–2022 - Chercheur Postdoctoral, CERI Matériaux et Procédés, Institut Mines–Télécom Lille–Douai

2017–2020 - Postdoctorant Associé, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2015–2017 - Chercheur Postdoctoral, Laboratoire Matière Molle et Chimie, ESPCI Paris

2013–2015 - Postdoctorant Associé, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh


2008–2012 - Doctorat en Sciences des Matériaux, Mines ParisTech, Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux, Sophia Antipolis

2006–2008 - Master en Sciences des Matériaux, Mines ParisTech, Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux, Sophia Antipolis

2003–2006 - Licence en Physique, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice

Domaines de compétences

Sciences des polymères et nanocomposites

Synthèse de microparticules d'hydrogels par microfluidique

Extrusion réactive

Procédé d'extrusion monovis, bivis et d’injection

Rhéologie des fluides complexes

Caractérisation physico-chimique des polymères et colloïdes

Recherches actuelles

Elaboration de biocomposites multi-fonctionnels éco-conçus

Structuration de systèmes dispersés sous écoulement

Valorisation de charges lignocellulosiques par incorporation dans des polymères


150h de T.P. de mécanique physique en 2ième année de cycle d’ingénieurs à l’ESPCI Paris

Publications principales

M. Herneisey, P. Flórez Salcedo, T. Domenech, C. Bagia, S.S. George, R. Tunney, S. Velankar, T.K. Hitchens, J.M. Janjic (2020) Design of Thermoresponsive Polyamine Cross-Linked Perfluoropolyether Hydrogels for Imaging and Delivery Applications, ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 11, 2032-2040. (

T. Domenech, P.S. Doyle (2020) High Loading Capacity Nanoencapsulation and Release of Hydrophobic Drug Nanocrystals from Microgel Particles, Chemistry of Materials, 32, 498-509. (

M. Röttger, T. Domenech, R. van der Weegen, A. Breuillac, R. Nicolaÿ, L. Leibler (2017) High-performance vitrimers from commodity thermoplastics through dioxaborolane metathesis, Science, 356, 62–65. (

T. Domenech, S.S. Velankar (2017) Microstructure, phase inversion and yielding in immiscible polymer blends with selectively wetting silica particles, Journal of Rheology, 61, 363–377. (

T. Domenech, J. Yang, S.J. Heidlebaugh, S.S. Velankar (2016) Three distinct open-pore morphologies from a single particle-filled polymer blend, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 4310–4315. (

T. Domenech, S.S. Velankar (2015) On the rheology of pendular gels and morphological developments in paste-like ternary systems based on capillary attraction, Soft Matter, 11, 1500–1516. (

T. Domenech, S.S. Velankar (2014) Capillary–driven percolating networks in ternary blends of immiscible polymers and silica particles”, Rheologica Acta, 593–605. (

T. Domenech, R. Zouari, B. Vergnes, E. Peuvrel-Disdier (2014) Formation of fractal-like structure in organoclay-based polypropylene nanocomposites”, Macromolecules, 47, 3417–3427. (

S.J. Heidlebaugh, T. Domenech, S.V. Iasella, S.S. Velankar (2014) Aggregation and separation in ternary particle/oil/water systems with fully wettable particles, Langmuir, 30, 63−74. (

T. Domenech, E. Peuvrel-Disdier, B. Vergnes (2013) The importance of specific mechanical energy during twin screw extrusion of organoclay based polypropylene nanocomposites”, Composites Science and Technology, 75, 7–14. (

T. Domenech, E. Peuvrel-Disdier, B. Vergnes (2012) Influence of twin-screw processing conditions on structure and properties of polypropylene - organoclay nanocomposites, International Polymer Processing, 27, 517–526. (

R. Zouari, T. Domenech, B. Vergnes, E. Peuvrel-Disdier (2012) Time evolution of the structure of organoclay/polypropylene nanocomposites and application of the time-temperature superposition principle, Journal of Rheology, 56, 725–742. (